2) Send abstract to the
secretariat (1) (Abstracts should be sent with the standards described below
Prof. G. Zahour: Gh_zahour@yahoo.fr
Prof. Y. Zerhouni: Zerhouni.y@gmail.com
TITLE: (Times New Roman, 14 pt,
bold, uppercase, centered)
Author (s): (Times New Roman, 11
pt, normal, initial caps, centered)
* H. Zahidi, S. Berrada **
Institution (s) and email
address (Times New Roman 10 pt, normal, initial caps, centered)
* University / Laboratory /
Organization / Country / @ email address
** University / Laboratory /
Organization / Country / @ email address
The text in Word format (doc)
must be written in French or English and should not exceed one page. (Times New
Roman, 11 pts., Normal, single-spaced, justified on the left and right)
Keywords: word1, word2, ...
word3 .. (Times New Roman, 11 pt, normal, bold)
* Abstracts submitted by
doctoral students must be approved by their supervisors